
Driving with License Suspended

What You Need to Know About Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License in Florida

Getting a ticket for Driving with License Suspended may not seem like a big deal, but it can lead to a lot of trouble, expense, and even jail.  People go to jail every day in Volusia County simply for driving without a license.

There are two variations to the charge: driving with license suspended or revoked WITHOUT knowledge or WITH knowledge.

Needless to say, being charged with Driving with License Supended WITH knowledge, is worse.  The crime is punishable by up to a year in jail.  However, the prosecution must prove that a defendant knew of the suspension.

Three convictions for Driving with License Suspended in a five year period will result in a person being labeled as a habitual traffic offender.  Being a habitual traffic offender means that one’s license is suspended for 5 years.  Imagine not driving for 5 years–the consequences on family, work, and one’s dreams.

Why not just pay the ticket and get it over with?

Just paying the ticket is the most expensive option, because paying the ticket is an admission of guilt and results in a conviction.  Once the ticket is on one’s record, than insurance rates go up.  The first conviction sets the stage for later tickets which then leads to habitualization as a traffic offender and jail.

Higher insurance costs increases the chances that a person will be unable to pay for auto insurance in the future–leading to another suspended license.  That is why the cheapest, smartest choice is to fight the ticket.  A plea to a lesser charge may be possible.  Or the evidence may be suppressed due to a police mistake.

What if my license was suspended because of a DUI?

Judges do not tolerate people that drive despite a DUI license suspension.  They often send such drivers to jail.  Speak to an attorney immediately regarding the new driving with license suspended charge.

What is a Habitual Traffic Offender?

A “habitual traffic offender” is any person whose record, as maintained by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, shows that such person has accumulated the specified number of convictions for offenses listed below within a 5-year period:

1. Three or more convictions of any one or more of the following arising out of separate acts;

    • Voluntary or involuntary manslaughter resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle.
    • Driving Under the Influence.
    • Any felony conviction in which a vehicle was used.
    • Driving a motor vehicle while his or her license is suspended or revoked.
    • Failure to render aid in the event of a motor vehicle crash resulting in the death or personal injury of another.

2. Fifteen convictions for moving traffic violations for which points may be assessed.

If the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles determines that a driver is a habitual traffic offender, the driver’s license shall be suspended for a period of 5 years. Upon the completion of 12 months, the driver may petition the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for reinstatement on a restricted basis.

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Driving with License Suspended

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